What is included?
- Charters, deeds, related documents, and seals in the Bodleian Libraries MS. Charters (MS. Ch.) and MS. Rolls collections.
- Charters, deeds, related documents, and seals in selected Bodleian Libraries Deposited Deeds (D.D.) collections.
- Material in other D.D. collections, and in other Bodleian collections, will be added in late 2023 and early 2024.
What isn't included?
What am I searching?
- The full text of catalogues published in 1840, 1878, and 1931, covering the MS. Charters and MS. Rolls collections acquired before c. 1878, and Deposited Deeds Christ Church (D. D. Ch. Ch.). The level of detail varies and will often not include all place-names or personal names mentioned in the original documents.
- The full text of the unpublished Bodleian Libraries handlist of detached seals, by J. G. Wiblin (1913 with later additions), with short descriptions of detached seals acquired up to the earlier 20th century.
- Summary records for most items in the MS. Charters and MS. Rolls collections acquired after c. 1878, and for other Deposited Deed collections. These summary records are abbreviated from more detailed handwritten descriptions and give place-names and dates only. The summary records link to images of the original handwritten descriptions. The level of detail in these original descriptions is variable.
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